- Hog
- born in 2013
- Femundløpet 2017, Finnmarksløpet 2016, Finnmarksløpet 2018
- famous offsprings: Tacos, Jippis, Patanka, Nikita, Blacky, Carbon, Miss Mot
- still in training himself, Lead Dog Trainer, Tour Guide
If there were a dictionary entry for the word “energy,” Hog‘s name would likely be right next to it. As one of the first generation of true lead dogs, as Petter describes, Hog is known for his incredible energy and speed, combined with a keen sense of direction. “He was the best dog I had for a very long time.”
From “Too Much Energy” to Being a Leader
Already as a puppy, Hog was renowned for his boundless energy. The son of Gaga and Michel was characterized by his incredible enthusiasm, which often showed itself in his excitement and joy. However, this excitement sometimes went a bit overboard, as he would bark at his training neighbors, not always to their delight. “For the first two months, I decided not to let him run beside another dog until he calmed down a bit,” Petter recalls. Hog just had too much energy.
He gets happy if you run fast
However, Petter quickly recognized Hog’s potential out of that: He was incredibly fast. His long legs help him move effortlessly also through deep snow, a trait he shares with his brother Moscow. “Many years later, I saw they don’t try as hard to follow the trail. That was new to me. For the first time, I had dogs that didn’t care too much about the trail. They also didn’t panic when we lost the trail or were at a place we hadn’t been before.” This is partly due to another talent he inherited from his mother Gaga: a brilliant sense of direction. “He always knows where he is and where we are going.” Petter trusts Hog’s judgment a lot. “I can run him with a team anywhere and I know he will make the right choices and I know what choices he will make. Sometimes I don’t say anything and let him choose’ and he chooses very well what you can do and what you can not do. But also when I know that this way might be better, then I tell him and he follows that way also.” It is this blind trust between them.
A Special Bond
The communication between Petter and Hog is extraordinary. While Petter has a special relationship with all his dogs, the bond with Hog is on another level. When Petter is around, Hog listens only to him. Angela shares, “I was running him in a team on a tour, and that went fine until Petter showed up on a snowmobile next to us, from that moment Hog was so focused on Petter that he ignored me at all.” Hog is definitely one of the best dogs in our kennel, but the moment better is around he will only follow him.
A Leader Who Gives His All from the Start
Hog’s golden era was the 2018-19 seasons, there he was unstoppable. “Hog doesn’t have to do much, even if he gets tired he is still very fast. He works extremely hard and wants to go fast from the very beginning.”, says Petter, “When he is in lead, you have to be careful because his speed gets so high it can burn out the rest of the team.” But this can als become risky for himself, Petter therefore had to take him out of the race in the Finnmarksløpet 2016 and the Femundløpet 2017 to avoid serious injuries.
“It is not easy for him to finish a race. He has just too much energy.” But he learned to find a better balance to channel his speed and energy and finally crossed the finish line at the Finnmarksløpet 2018.
This trait is also evident in his offsprings. Only his grandchildren, like Magnum, Kodiak, Mini, Ragnar, and Björn, seem to find a better balance.
Even today, at the age of 12, Hog is still in great shape and could also continue racing, but he also excels as a teacher for future leaders, as demonstrated in a video where he teaches his children and grandchildren how to navigate.
Hog is a born leader, earning his place in the Hall of Fame through his speed and sense of direction!
Hog is teaching is children and grand children how to lead:


Skorpan and Hog

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